Homeschool Discoveries

Sharing a few things I've discovered along the way…

Q is for Quality Time June 20, 2012

Filed under: Fun Stuff and Extras — kirstenjoyhill @ 10:56 pm

I think I might be breaking some kind of unwritten rule of homeschool blogging by doing two posts in a row.  I think 90% of the homeschool bloggers I read post one faithful post per day, scheduled in some organized manner to post at about the same time every day.  Maybe someday I’ll be that organized at blogging.  Meanwhile, I am trying to catch up on my Blogging Through the Alphabet posts!  If I can finish this in the next few minutes I can still do the “Q” link up!

This week, I’ve been having some extra quality time with Mr. K for a couple hours each morning while the two big kids go to a Vacation Bible Camp at a neighborhood church. Sure, Baby J is hanging out with us too…but he doesn’t demand a turn picking out what to play! 😉

As the third child in the family with a younger baby brother who needs lots of attention, Mr. K gets the short end of the stick when it comes to my attention at times.  So he has been eating up this chance to give me an entire stack of books to read that HE picked out, to play with me when HE gets to pick what we do and to have a couple special surprises just for him — like a donut at the grocery store and a fun sticker activity book to work on together (to make up for the treats and little plastic junk his siblings are bringing home).

I feel like I have a lot of quality time with the kids all together.  We have a blast doing a ton of fun stuff, reading books and going places.  It’s harder to find times with the kids alone, so as much as part of me wants to use these mornings to “get stuff done”, I am trying to make sure I slow down an relish this quality time with Mr. K

I’m linking up with Blogging Through the Alphabet @ Ben and Me!



One Response to “Q is for Quality Time”

  1. […] we accepted an invite from a friend to do Vacation Bible Camp at a neighborhood church, so I had quality time with Mr. K each morning while the two older kids participated in the […]

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