Homeschool Discoveries

Sharing a few things I've discovered along the way…

Tiny Treats January 26, 2013

Filed under: Creativity,Fun Stuff and Extras — kirstenjoyhill @ 8:00 am

Miss M just loves finding interesting craft and activity books from the library and working on the projects in her free time.  She recently found an American Girl activity book called Tiny Treats, and was eager to make a few of the miniature goodies.

We’ve had sub-zero weather the past several days here in Minnesota, so we stayed home as much as we could — we really didn’t even leave the house on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday this past week! It was the perfect time to work on a couple of these projects.  Miss M selected “mini donuts” made from cereal and “watermelon” made from jello and limes:


Tiny Treats Jan 2013


The kids had a “tea party” with apple cider in tiny doll-sized cups to go with the “donuts,” while Miss M served us the “watermelon” another day as a dessert after dinner.  Did you see my “Tiny Treat” in the collage?  I’ll take an Espresso Con Panna and a dark chocolate kiss as a treat any day!


I’m linking up with…

Highhill Homeschool

2 Responses to “Tiny Treats”

  1. Nichole Says:

    That is exceptionally cute. I love the mini-doughnuts!

  2. Julie Says:

    It looks like the kids had a ton of fun. My kids like to play a game where my son is the chef. He makes lots of weird things like carrots with salt and olives in orange juice. Thanks for linking up with Hobbies and Handicrafts.

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